Sustainability Approach
It is the Group’s vision to achieve "Sustainable Growth". At Great Eagle, the meaning of sustainability echoes with "Our Common Future" (1987):
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
During decision-making, the Group looks at the renowned Triple Bottom Line Framework, which consists the three crucial factors of sustainability, i.e. Profit, People and Planet.



This approach facilitates the integration of sustainability into the core purpose of the Group’s business, and ensures that the Group’s work and business practices remain beneficial in the long term.
While being forward-looking, the Group keeps a close eye on the prevalent social issues, and strives to improve the community through assisting in different areas. The Board oversees the broader sustainability trends and has overall responsibility for the Group’s sustainability strategy and reporting. The Board is supported by the Sustainability Steering Committee, which identifies, evaluates and manages sustainability material issues of the Group. The Committee comprises members from the Board and management from key areas of the Group, serving as a senior-level working group for setting the sustainability policy and strategy. (Terms of Reference of the Committee).
See the Sustainability Policy to learn more.
Activities and performance data in relation to sustainability are presented in Sustainability Reports. For details, please visit the Sustainability Disclosure page.